Changing the face of the Youth

About Jesus Youth

Jesus Youth is an international Catholic youth movement with a Charismatic spirituality. It had its beginnings in Kerala (India), but is now active in many different countries throughout the world. Jesus Youth is an initiative of young people themselves, who, filled with the Holy Spirit try to reach out to other young people. The strength of the movement is its special focus on a life centred on the Lord Jesus Christ; beginning with an experience of God, nourished by prayer, the Word of God, the sacraments and fellowship, and sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ with others. Though not an actual community, Jesus Youth is a network of small but vibrant groups of young people. In their own life situations, they strive to give time to the Lord, responding to the challenges of today's world in the power of the Holy Spirit.

Advent 2006 reflections...

We begin a new series

of Reflection Material

for this Advent.

3rd December 2006


"Will you do it for me?" There are plenty of people to look after the rich and well to do people but for my poor, there are absolutely none. For them I long, them I love, will you refuse me?

Out of my own free choice, Oh my God and out of love for you I choose to remain and do whatever is your Holy will.' This persistent exchange of communication between a 36 year old nun (... the later Mother Teresa) and her God. This 'CALL WITHIN A CALL' led toa unique movement inspired by Jesus.

Read Now 1Corinth: 9:16 - 19, 22 - 23, Mark 16:15 - 20 and ponder for the day.......

Reflection for the day : Many Youth in the Spiritual Ministry get away from their call when they feel that they dont get sufficient recognition, thus failing to understand their inner call i.e. that call which is within the initial call.

Everyone of us have a call and that did why we proudly label ourself as
'Jesus Youths' but let us contemplate this advent day on that specifically termed CALL WITHIN A CALL (The initial call being that when Jesus called us to walk on His way and the second CALL being the WAY in which He wants us to walk i.e. the the WAY OF SERVICE. Jesus opts for us, as for example, Mother Teresa's Life.)

"Lord show me the way you want me in service of You."


4th December 2006


There are people who despite of hard work and incessant prayers do not reach anywhere in life both spiritually and materially. Reasons are many, the most important being lack of steadfastness. When hardships come, instead of facing them boldly, we run away.

Now Read: Isiah 30:19-21, 23-26; Matthew 9:35-40, 1:6-8 and ponder for the day........

Problems and hardships help us strengthen our inner self. Whatever happens we should never leave the place that God has asked us to be in.

"Expectant faith, steadfastness and loyalty are esential for success in life. Even your dedication and hard work will turn waste if you are not in that place desired by God."

Reflection for the day : Had you asked yesterday for your "CALL". If yes, then as God showed Abraham the mountain where he should offer Issac as a sacrifice, let us build our own altars for the Lord.

"Lord grant me the grace to be steadfast" Make your own prayer.

5th December 2006


Read the Gospel of Luke 13:6-9

The tree had been simply occupying space in the ground. It did not produce anything, so it was time to be cut down.....Instead.....the gardener gave the tree another chance. There comes patience.....patience means giving space.....

The time we have: is God's PATIENCE with us.

Immediately after creation, God had good reason to "pack it up" and undo all that He had created.....but instead.....we are still here today....

Reflection for the day : Before my next step, my next breath, my next hour.....God could just pack me up.....But instead.....He gives me time.....Since I am late for my appointment.....God does not write me off....instead.........He Waits..........

Read : Romans 15:4-9

Well then who is the patient youngester?

  • He is one who never gets discouraged, when things do not get done immediately.

  • He is one who takes into account unforseen circumstances, events, incidents.

  • He knows and understands himself.

  • He knows how to understands himself.

  • He knows how 'to undestand others, he knows how to stand' with the other.

  • He knows how to suffer.....That was what Jesus did !!!

6th December 2006


The kings horse tossed away everyone who ventured to train it. Meanwhile his son came forth and caught hold of it to mount on. The horse galloped away with the son without any resistance. The son understood that the horse was bewildered by its own shadow, falling on it, as it was standing with its back towards the sun.

“Shadows” are the most fearsome things in our life, formed when we face our self away from the SON. They are formed because the flow of light is blocked, blocked by the shadows of fear, anxiety, and consequent imprudent behavior.

Read: Isaiah 35:1-10

Reflection for the day: Identify your shadows coming on the path of your holiness. “Lord Jesus, kindly t urn towards my life situations that block my way. Let me see everything in your light.”

Prepare for a good confession! We need to prepare well in advance, a room for Christ to be born in our hearts, just as a family prepares itself for the coming of a new born.

7th December 2006


Mt. 18:12-24 tells us about the leader (Jesus) who goes in search of his lost sheep (we) and is happy to find it. Had we ever thought of this the other way round? Why did I get lost, why my legs trembled and I walked the wrong path and why my lord had to come looking for me?

When a person neglects Christ in taking decisions of his life, he says to himself “I was so busy climbing the ladder of success that when I reached the top it was then I realized, it was kept against the wrong wall.”

It is the Lord who comforts us in our failures as said in Is. 40: 1-11.

Reflection for the day: Inhibit your habit of taking advice from hundred people the same time. Begin to ask the will of God first and during a crisis, be like a wall and not a wall itself.


  • Learn and know the reason of your going out from the fenced field.

  • Believe that the omnipotent God is there to bless and to guide you.

8th December 2006


Gen 3:9-15,20 Luke 1:26-38

Creation has been summoned into being clothed with beauty because the creator is Beauty itself in an infinite degree. The worlds that astronauts are mounting to explore, speak openly of power and beauty. But the masterpiece of God’s creation was reached when God created Mary. The most conspicuous of her qualities was her humility. She would always be the ‘handmaid of the Lord’. Let Mary be with us during this advent. She more than anyone knows to wait with great expectation for the coming of Jesus. Let her increase our faith so that we may receive Him, see Him and be blessed by Him.

Reflection of the day: Let us ponder over the words ‘holiness’ and ‘humility’ and justify how we can possess them in ourselves. Examine yourself to drive out all that leads you away from being ‘Holy and Humble’.

9th December 2006


Mathew 7: 1-6

Question 1:If you knew a woman who was pregnant, who had 8 kids already, three of which who were deaf, and two who were blind, one mentally retarded, and she had syphilis, would you recommend that she have an abortion?
Read the next question before looking at the answer for this one

(but answer it in your heart now).
Question 2:It is time to elect a new world leader, and only your vote counts. Here are the facts about the three leading candidates.
Candidate A -Associates with crooked politicians, and consults with astrologists. He's had two Mistresses. He also chain smokes and drinks 8 to 10 martinis a day.
Candidate B -He was kicked out of office twice, sleeps until noon, used opium in college and drinks a quart of whiskey every evening.
Candidate C -He is a decorated war hero. He's a vegetarian, doesn't smoke, drinks an occasional beer and never cheated on his wife. Studying to go to a prestige art school.
Which of these candidates would be your Choice?(look down for the answer in brackets). Pretty interesting isn't it? Makes a person think before JUDGING SOMEONE.
Remember: Amateurs built the Ark.Professionals built the Titanic.


[Ans. 2. Candidate A: is Franklin D. Roosevelt.Candidate B: is Winston Churchill. Candidate C: is Adolph Hitler. And, by the way, the answer to the abortion question: If you said yes, you just killed Beethoven].

10th December 2006


Is. 48: 17-19

The fields are kept uncultivated for sometime after a harvest is reaped, so as to enhance its fertility. Any attempt to reap maximum harvest in minimum time result in a gradual deterioration of its fertility. Our Lord is not so greedy. He loves us and so He will leave us unproductive for sometime. But some of us are not able to tolerate this and waste energy upon a thing (may be a wrong career, job), which is not in accordance to God’s will.

Reflection for the day: Be silent then when God bids you to be silent. What is important is not what you do, but what you are.
Pray to the Lord to show you your past or present moments of infertility and the time and energy you wasted when you unheard Him and ask for His forgiveness

11th December 2006


Sirach 48: 1-4, 9-11

“Through their preachings, miracles and vengeance against God’s enemies, Elijah & Elisha succeeded in destroying idols and restoring faith and worship of true God.”
It is true that when we fall into temptation we lose our faith and conviction about our basic call, we ask ourselves “Had I been called for this?” At that moment even God can ask us:
If you are not ready to suffer the hardships and difficulties, then why did you set out for God’s service?”
If you were not prepared to suffer, forgive, forget, reconcile and sacrifice, then why did you marry?
If you are not willing to study, then why did you join college?
Recognizing our failures, our temptations, all we need to do is to strengthen the

5 PILLARS through which we call ourselves ‘JESUS YOUTH’.

12th December 2006


Mt. 11: 2-11

Many of us have had an encounter with the Lord, the moment, which changed our lives making a lean towards the spiritual phase of life. Gospel of Mathew speaks of blind seeing, lame walking ………. How does this news spreads around – when the blind itself proves of his ability to see again, when lame is seen walking …… i.e. when the person encountering the healing itself publicizes verbally and shows it in his actions.

Reflection for the day: Imagine how beautiful it will be when the zeal of sharing and spreading our own Bethel experiences around both verbally and through actions never stops so as to let that flame of Jesus shine around.
“Lord, may I never stop praising you, glorifying you and sharing you.”

13th December 2006


Jn 1: 1-18

Beth Hyde seemed a bit ashamed when I asked her whether she ever read a Bible “No Father”, she said.
“You are mistaken, Beth”. The father pointed out. “I have seen you using a daily Missal, reading the readings at the Mass, and from the New Testament in your religion class”.
Beth’s answer was not surprising. Many of us, grown up and well-instructed catholics know little about the WORD. Even reading the word during the Holy Mass, makes us forget it the moment we sit back on our seats.

Reflection for the day: Can the 5 pillars of Jesus Youth become like the leaning tower of Pisa by loosing on of its pillars? How do I feel when I read the Lord’s word when I am at a public place?Prepare and make yourself strong about the ‘WORD’.

14th December 2006


“Are you sure that the Lord is on your side?” Was the question tossed at Abraham Lincon.
The President answered, “That is not the question that worries me. The important thing is whether I am on the Lord’s side. I am always trying to get myself there”.

Reflection for the day: As the song goes “Who’s side are you leaning on?” “I am leaning on the Lord’s side”. Do we really feel it when this song is sung? Let’s always be watchful of our words and doings that we may always be lead closer to Him.

15th December 2006


It is easy for the curious youngster to get a ‘scoop’ of the latest gossip, news or rumour.
Scoop syndrome is the sickness of someone who longs to get ‘juicy’ scoops out of private lives of others ….. It’s so easy to fall prey to the ‘itch’ of wanting a scoop.
But there is a healthy form of curiosity too: One who wishes to know more to gain knowledge searches more intently. This is the individual who will go into all the details to know more and understand concepts better.

Reflection for the day: Are you faced with this syndrome? or with good curiosity? Guide your steps.

16th December 2006


Jermah was told
(a) Listen! (Jer 1: 9)
“…… and there I will let you hear my words …….” The loneliness of SILENCE can be very painfull. But that is what we are getting at …….. Had you noticed such change in you? When you prefer to be silent, when you actually should not.
(b) Look! (Jer 1: 11)
You will see your life pass before you …… [The times you have blurted out things you never meant, or did what you now regret ... Can you begin to see it all?]
Take sometime to look at “the world”, it is God’s workshop. He is inviting you to participate in making it more ‘habitable’ place. His yearnings and dreams for it can be realized if you help him and be his ‘co-creator’, for that is who you are ….. You will realize this when you pause to pray.So Jermah ‘went down’ to the “Lord’s” house (POTTER’s house). He is the potter.

17th December 2006

“Seek the face of the Lord and long for Him”

During your personal prayer what exactly happens is to LISTEN and to LOOK .These two can hurt you if you take them seriously.
You have to listen to the one who is professional at work and has masterpieces to His credit.
You have to look what the Lord is going to do with you?
Only one thing: He is going to love you.
When you pray, you are contemplating on the lord (looking) and all that He will do is to love you in return.

Reflection for the Day: Experience the love of God today in your personal prayer.

18th December 2006

“Going to meet the Lord”

When you set out today for your work (after saying your personal prayers) experience each and every moment of your life. He is going to meet you, work on you. He wants to make you look like Him. He will enter in your behavioral patterns, into the way you think and feel. He will change the way you see the world.

Just let yourself go and trust the Master’s craftsman to do his work. Perhaps He’s already fashioning for himself a masterpiece. What is imp. is that you let yourself go………..he calls that act………..SURRENDER.

19th Deceber 2006

“Do good to others”

Mt: 5:46-48

On the eve of Don Bosco’s feast ,the boys were told that he would give them the gift they would ask. Of the no. of chits Don Bosco received, he was struck with Dominic Savio’s request” Father, please help me be a holy boy”.
Don Bosco sent for Dominic and told him that he would give him the prescription to be holy: 1. Be always happy in the Lord as sin is a joykiller. 2. Be at the best with you books. 3. Do good to others.

Reflection for the Day: Its really hard to love those whom we cannot. The list may be big and difficult. Let’s pray and remember those whom we do not love and ask for God’s forgiveness and try to be at peace with them when we greet them this advent season.

20th December 2006

“For there is nothing that God cannot do”

Luke 1:26-38

Two things are noticeable –Mary already promised in marriage to a man is being met by God’s angel who has a message for her. And secondly she accepts so willfully the plan God has for her .Same is the case with Abraham being blessed by a son and later asked to sacrifice him.
In our world of today, it seems quite impossible to change our already prepared plans. But God‘s ways are always mysterious His only goal is our salvation and happiness.

Reflection for the day: Let’s place all our hope ,each and every moment in God, for it is He who is working in us, and always be prepared in whatever condition we are for that great “YES” that has brought us salvation.

21st December 2006

Luke 1 :39-56

When ever we read an article introducing Jesus Youth at the end the line goes………”always at the service of the church. Its relevant wherever young people have the eagerness to take appropriate step FOR THE LORD.”
It was true in those days (as in Luke’s chapter) and it’s true even now. Imagine the joy Elizabeth felt when she is met by the one carrying Christ (Mary, our mother) Similarly we as Jesus youth should continue to pass on the joy of our always being in service of the church just as Mary did, so that even others may shine forth, let that joy of our bearing Christ always awaken others whomever we meet in our day to day lives.

22nd December 2006


Its dangerous if one tries to be a photocopy…….cloned in the way of dressing…..the way of eating………… the way of THINKING !
This happens in the ministry too. Many youngsters are one the blind walk, they do not believe in themselves, in their uniqueness. But an intelligent youngster is one who believes in his/her own abilities and makes full use of them. God never needed a photocopier, He has made each one of us original. Then let’s walk on our paths, by being original learning from others but not mimicking them.

Reflection: “let every action I do be something beautiful in God’s eyes.”—Mother Teresa.

23rd December 2006


Luke 10:25-37

Mother Teresa once said ”I want to love Jesus as he has never been loved before”

Wholehearted dedicationis needed to be a good Samaritan.Whenever we do something for the poor and needy let’s not forget our main objective of LOVING JESUS.

24th December 2006


Once emperor Akbar called Birbal and asked him:
“Why did God become man and come down to this world ?
Couldn’t God in His wisdom find shortcuts?
Couldn’t God send a battalion to save the world?”
Birbal left the palace to find an answer for it. He went to a sculptor and told him to prepare a statue exactly like Akbar’s little son. After the statue had been made, he took it and threw it in the palace pond without anybody noticing it and cried out “oh! Help, help! The emperor’s son is fallen into the pond” .Hearing him everybody rushed ,Akbar also reached and without wasting a second ,he jumped into the pond .He managed to catch hold of his son, took the child into his hands and kissed him. Only then he realized that it was only a statue .He became furious and shouted”who dared so much to fool me?”
Humbly folding his hands, Birbal came forward, bowed before the emperor and said” forgive me your majesty, allow me to speak the truth. Don’t you remember the question which you had asked me? This is the answer to that .
“When your son was sinking, you could have sent for the battalion to save them. But your love for your son was so great that you yourself jumped into the pond. When God saw His children dying in the pond of this sinful world and sinking in it, He could no more wait .So He himself came down to save humankind.( By Sr. Rosita for Shalom tidings)

Reflection: God’s love manifested in the mystery of incarnation is unfathomable. Let’s become channels of His saving act of love by our deed of love, service and sacrifice.


A child is born to us !
A son is given to us !
And he will be our ruler.
He will be called "Wonderful Counsellor", "Mighty God", "Eternal Father", "Prince of Peace".
Isiah 9:6

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