Changing the face of the Youth

About Jesus Youth

Jesus Youth is an international Catholic youth movement with a Charismatic spirituality. It had its beginnings in Kerala (India), but is now active in many different countries throughout the world. Jesus Youth is an initiative of young people themselves, who, filled with the Holy Spirit try to reach out to other young people. The strength of the movement is its special focus on a life centred on the Lord Jesus Christ; beginning with an experience of God, nourished by prayer, the Word of God, the sacraments and fellowship, and sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ with others. Though not an actual community, Jesus Youth is a network of small but vibrant groups of young people. In their own life situations, they strive to give time to the Lord, responding to the challenges of today's world in the power of the Holy Spirit.

Taizé 2007 - A Report

Taizé 2007 is here!!! in our very own Rajasthan.
The inaguration was held in St. Terese Community Hall, Jodhpur at 6 O'Clock. There was presence from all the 3 parishes of Jodhpur. The program stared with ligting of the lamp, by Fr Joseph kallarackal, Fr Sunil Peter, and Sr Evita of the Missionaries of charity. After the lighting of the candles, Fr Joseph Kallarackal blessed the Taizé crosses. After that, the blessed scenes from the life of our Lord, were depicted by the elders of the parish. The keynote address was then given by the program co-ordinator Ms. Ancy Peter who said a few words about the importance of Taizé worship. Fr Sunil Peter then said a few inspirational words, as well as shed some light on the history of the Taizé worship, and congratulated the Jesus Youth on organising such a prayer campaign.

The elders were then invited to light up the candles to begin the worship. The stage was set up in red curtains and lighted using candles and oil lamps, and it was a visual treat fo everyone with the lights switched off. This was followed by a time of prayer and meditation, led by the music team comprising of Ms. Abha Tirkey, Ms. Annette Chirayil, Mr. Vinu George and Mr. Tennyson Abraham.

The youth and the parishioners gathered to sit around the Taizé cross and were led into a time of meditation in the Taizé style. The prayer included repetitive singing of meditative chants / hymns of Taizé and singing Psalms from the Bible. The prayer lasted for about 30 minutes and the final blessings were given by Fr Joseph Kallarackal the Parish Priest of St. Teresa's Church. The vote of thanks was proposed by Ms Ancy Peter.

A light refreshment was arranged for all those who attended the program.

"The secret of life and love lies in giving onself, ultimately, in the cross of Christ" - Pope Benedict XVI

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